All over the world a large percentage of person have become overweight (or obese), which has led to a wide range of medical conditions. And so losing weight is important. And the fact that you are reading this article shows that you are interested in shedding some of those fatty tissues, i.e. you want to lose weight. The weight loss journey can be very challenging and discouraging. But our attitude on a daily basis will determine if we will achieve weight loss or not. Below are some easy daily routines that can help us in the journey of weight loss.

#1. Take water regularly

drinking water

You can take a bottle (~70cl) of water before eating breakfast every morning, and a cup of water 30 minutes before every meal. Drinking water on an empty stomach can be highly beneficial to the body. This is one of the secrets behind glowing skin, as water removes the toxins from the blood. It helps one to have a better digestive system and it improves the creation of new blood cells as well as muscle cells and also helps losing weight

#2. Eat fruits before each meal

eat fruits

Eating a few pieces of fruits at least thirty minutes, before your meal helps controls overeating eating. Also eating fruits before a meal increases your intake of fibre as most fruits contain fibre.

#3. Vegetables are your friends


Let vegetable occupy the largest part of your meal plate ( ¼ carbohydrate, ¼ protein & half vegetable). Filling your plate with 50% vegetables can help prevent type 2 diabetes, lowers blood pressure helps to maintain a healthy weight and make your skin glow

#4. Do not skip breakfast


Eating a healthy yet moderate breakfast with lean protein and diet-friendly whole grains will help you feel full and comfortable throughout the day. Skipping breakfast will make u eat more during lunchtime. Eat just one small healthy plate of the meal, do not go to the pot for more.

#5. Exercise! Exercise!! Exercise!!!


The benefit of exercise cannot be overemphasized. You can exercise For at least 30 mins every day. it helps reduce stress, serve as a mood booster improves memory improves self-confidence and promotes weight loss

#6. Avoid Over-frying your meals

over frying

Consuming foods fried is unhealthy, oils can have several negative effects on health. Eating them regularly can put one at a higher risk of developing diseases like heart disease and obesity.

#7. Drink lemon water at least two times a week

Lemon water
Lemon water

Lemon juice protects the body from immune system deficiencies, aids in digestion and helps in maintaining the PH balance of the body.

#8. Eat little portions for dinner


Dinner should be taken in small quantity so that there will be proper digestion and let it be made up of mostly fruits and vegetables.


As a reminder make it a daily habit to drink water before each meal drink lemon water, exercise daily, and also eat little portions of meals. Thank you very much, do well to try this out and tell us on the comment section if it worked for you.